Our Videcom series is a range of easy to install, easy to operate, reliable, vandal‑resistant audio and video intercom systems for high‑security estate and other tough environments.
The VC 7000‑105 is our standard weather‑resistant, video, outstation.
This unit is fitted with a high‑sensitivity, day/night, video camera ‐ video from which can be displayed to operators to aid caller identification.
The unit also has a large call button with a separate call progress LED. The internal speaker and microphone levels are adjustable, with a maximum output of 80dB ‐ for areas with high background noise.
This unit is housed in a highly‑visible, bright yellow, IP65, surface mount enclosure, which is designed for installation in external areas.
A complete list of Folknoll products in this range.
Nursing homes, retirement homes, assisted living residences, etc.
Factories, offices, hotels, stations, offices, schools and other public buildings.
Police stations, prisons, courts, secure hospitals, border agencies, etc.
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