DT7501.31: Telemetry, Radio, Transmitter

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  • Data telemetry transmitter
  • Part of DT7501.30 and DT7501.31 matched radio telemetry RX/TX system
  • Range of 100m (line of sight)
  • Ideal for disabled toilet alarm systems

Telemetry, Radio, Transmitter

Transmitter for DT7501.30 and DT7501.31 matched radio telemetry RX/TX system with a range of 100m (line of sight).

Ideal for disabled toilet alarm systems.


100m (line of sight)

Suitable for



Other Accessories Products -+

A complete list of Folknoll products in this range.

Care Product Ranges -+

Nursing homes, retirement homes, assisted living residences, etc.

Buildings Product Ranges -+

Factories, offices, hotels, stations, offices, schools and other public buildings.

Custodial Product Ranges -+

Police stations, prisons, courts, secure hospitals, border agencies, etc.

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